Sunday, July 22, 2012

Carpet Cleaner

Last night at scripture reading we talked briefly about what the Savior did for employment during mortality ~

"Anyone know what Jesus did for work?"
"He was a teacher."
"That's true, but that started when he was 30.  What did he do before he was a teacher?"
They didn't know so I told them.  "He was a carpenter.  Anyone know what a carpenter is?"
Hyrum - "A person who cleans carpets?"

Not quite buddy, but you made me laugh, so you still get a point.

Speaking of Jesus, I didn't hear about this on the news but heard it from my friend Aubrey has a friend who's child went to preschool with Carson and attended his funeral.  At the funeral they shared that at the time of the accident, right after the tombstone fell on Carson and people were crying, one of the small children that was there being photographed asked why everyone was crying, cause they shouldn't be crying "Cause Jesus is here!" and this child saw Jesus help the little boy up off the ground where he fell and took him with Him.  I have been reading more Near Death Experience books, and it seems like there are just a ton of them out right now.  It seems to me that the Lord is doing everything He can to convince us in many different ways that He is real and that this life isn't all there is, and that He's trying to prepare us for His return.  I do believe in Him, that He lives and I know He is coming to this earth again and I look forward to that day and hope and pray to be found among the faithful here to meet Him. 
I like this painting by Akiane - a video about it here, and article about it here.

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