Thursday, July 5, 2012

Circle of Fun

I've said it before, but I'll say it again... I love the area we live, such an awesome community.  Yesterday after the fun run we had a great breakfast and then watched the small town parade.  Breakfast for $20 for our whole family of 10.  Doesn't get much better than that.
After breakfast there was a flag ceremony, then the annual Granite Parade.  Our kids voted that our neighbors, the Dahle's, had the cutest float of the parade - they turned their boat into a pirate ship and were launching water balloon cannonballs into the crowd.
The other highlight of the parade was when Mr. Ensign, who had come prepared with water ammo of his own, retaliated and fought back, it was funny to see them going after each other.  :)
Then in the evening was the neighborhood firework show.  Last year the party was called the Culdesac of Fire, named after the Stadium of Fire.  But since the real fires are putting a bad spin on the word fire this year, the neighborhood party was renamed the Circle of Fun.  The kids did have fun, with our neighbors breaking out their popcorn and cotton candy machine, we brought popsicles to share, there were doughnuts and brownies, lots of fun.  Ethan had like 12 cotton candy and as he was moaning later that night but received little sympathy from me.  I told him to remember how he felt, that's his body trying to tell him that what he just did, if continued, would slowly kill him.
Melodie just relaxing and watching the show on the grass:
Joe and Hyrum played some b-ball with his tall friend and his tall friends tall father.  I think it was kids against the dad.
Sophi didn't like the fireworks too much, but overall everyone had fun at the Circle of Fun!