Saturday, July 21, 2012

Legos - Good Vs. Evil

Kids being creative again.  Joe did make one of these a few years ago, but Ethan was sure to let it be know that this Lego Chess Edition was HIS IDEA.
Let it be known to all within the sight of my font that He did it!  (Here he is saying "I" during "I did it!")

The Good Guys - White
The Bad Guys - Black
It's always just so obvious who are the good guys and who are the bad guys, don't you think?  Like in Movies, TV shows, Real life.  Especially in He-Man.  ...which we've watched this summer a few times at nighttime on qubo for some reason.  That is one weird show, can't believe we thought it was so cool as kids.  I tell my children "You see the terrible entertainment I endured!  Now aren't you grateful for your blessed childhoods?"  Anyway, here we can see that the good guys always have a look of determination and moral strength and discipline.
White King and Queen
They know right and wrong, they know the bad guys are bad and they are brave and ready to go fight.
Black King and Queen
The Bad Guys, I mean look at that queen - obviously bad, right?  The eyebrows and evil smile, always a sure give away.  Bad guys know they are bad, too, but they like being bad and they hate Good and want to go kill them.
Speaking of Good and Bad Legos, here's where it all began, in the Lego Garden of Eden made by Melodie.
There's that lousy serpent ...making all sorts of trouble here on Earth.  Fortunate for us, the Savior has saved us from death and hell through his sacrifice for us.  (Part of me found this one to be a little too sad of an event to re-create with legos...) still, I was impressed with their creativity.  After Mel's Garden Tomb the boys weren't about to be shown up, so they had to show they are sober children too, and they did the Crucifixion
...and Jesus' baptism.
Another Guy on the good Guy Team - Ammon defending the king's sheep.
 The kids have got more, plenty more, Legos legos everywhere!!  Go Good Guys!

1 comment:

  1. I must get legos!!! Your kids seem to have proved you can make everything you want PERFECTLY with them... next thing is to draw out directions and market it :D
