Saturday, July 7, 2012

One on One Date

Corey and I both think it's important to have individual time with each kid when they can, by themselves, have our full attention.  When we lived in Virginia we, as parents, did an awesome job of taking a kid out each week for a one on one date.  The kids loved it, and in between moves we keep trying to get the system going again.  We've been in this home for over a year now and sadly we haven't got it down yet, so... a card has been made.  I'm hoping it will fix the problem.  Writing it on the calendar hasn't worked, but I have hope for the help this card will provide. 

Two cards actually, that way we'll have two kids reminding us and helping us make it happen.

We're putting these cards on their chore boards, which are the new home for their chore by room reminder cards.

The boards are also where they keep their monthly report card to us -

We are not paying them for each task they complete right now, but are making them mark down what they do, and if they show that they are doing awesome, they shall be justly rewarded.  If they've been slackers, they shall lament their lack of reward and hopefully will repent and do better next month.

Here's hoping this system will work for a while, atleast for the rest of the summer.  :)


  1. Speaking of chores: tonight, I sang to the kids (in the tune of the song "The Never-Ending Story") The never-ending story...(but instead of the ah ah ahs) I sang "Cleaning our house is - the never-ending story..." Conner got a good chuckle out of it. Then I re-emphasized the need to keep it clean throughout the day. We did the kid special trip thing a few times too. Love it! Good Luck! Just do it!

  2. The one on one date is such a great idea. My kids are really little, but I really want to start this now so I get in the habit.
