Monday, July 16, 2012

Vine Man

So, when we were at Scofield on Friday, as kids were waiting for the adults to be ready to go out, they were walking around in the muck on the beach.

As Ethan was playing with the seaweed (Reservoir-weed?) he did what comes naturally for any 10 year old boy to do.... Hey, I know!  I'm going to put this on my head!

Made me think of this Deep Thought by Jack Handy (This was on a birthday card that Corey gave to me many years ago...)

The wise man can pick up a grain of sand and envision a whole universe. But the stupid man will just lay down in some seaweed and roll around until he's completely draped in it. Then he'll stand up and go, "Hey, I'm Vine Man."
(I'm not sayin' your a stupid man Eth, but I do think you make the cutest vine man I've ever seen)

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