Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Mama Piggy

Well, today is a day that shall be forever etched in Melodie's memory. I remember when our hamsters had babies when I was a kid. Poignant memory there (you remember that Camilla?) I don' think I've ever seen Melodie so totally elated and at the same time totally speechless. She seemed to want to scream, but screaming wouldn't do her happiness justice. She said she wanted to faint. She went out to take care of her piggies then came running in to scream to her brothers "THERE!!! IS!!!! A LITTLE BROWN THING!!!! In the guinea pigs cage!!! AHHHH!!!"

Joseph couldn't tell if she was happy or terrified, and questioned further ~ "Uh, something in their cage... that ate them?"


Yes, Eve is a mother and Oreo is a daddy.

She was looking in their pen, and said "Hey Oreo, here's some hay..." then a little brown thing moved and startled her like some mouse or rat had gotten in their cage, and then her elation began and she started to heave-ho like SpongeBob (if any of you have seen him breathe like that) it was pretty funny.
And we've named him Brownie. He is stinkin' cute. And "he" might be a "her", we'll figure that out when we get a chance...
(He's so cute!!!)