Monday, September 17, 2012

I Laughed So Hard...

The kids came home from school to a healthy snack of red grapes.  And they proceeded to do what I always forget that they always do with grapes - let's see how many we can shove in our mouths to make our cheeks look like hamsters and then we'll make funny faces!  I though Joe's upper lip made a pretty good Dr. Seuss character look a like. (minus the crossed eyes...)
Lily didn't make faces using grapes, but wanted to be sure to get in the fun...
And Melodie.  Well, Melodie wins the prize.  Cause when she pulled this one I couldn't even hold the camera still,
and then I fell on the floor laughing and unable to speak through my laughter as I confessed to the kids that she made me laugh so hard that I was going to need to call a timeout for a bathroom break.
Then I had Joe help take these photos cause I couldn't hold the camera still. 
Pretty funny kids, it's good to have a good laugh with good company!

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