Monday, September 10, 2012


Well, I think I am going to get a little political here for the next two months.  Cause it's just two months.  And it's important.  Plus, as we draw nearer to election day, it's a topic of daily conversation, more between Corey and myself, and the kids try to understand what's going on too.  I'll try to usually limit it to one "political hightlite of the day"
We watched this video below with the kids, a sad/funny one about what democrats mean by "tolerant" - we tried to see if they got it why this was funny/ironic.  (Joe got it)

Pretty funny.  :)

We watched the DNC convention last week, a revealing clip:

I'd also like to say amen to the thoughts expressed at catolicmoxie.  One last thing, I read over the weekend that Mitt likes the Killers too!  I thought that was awesome, and I'm glad to know Mitt has good taste in music.

1 comment:

  1. Please please please let there be more sane, logical, sensible people voting this year.
