Wednesday, October 24, 2012

At The Door!

Lily woke me up this morning at 4:45 a.m., pulling my arm and saying "Hurry!  Ethan is at the door!"  She had woken up Melodie too, who was standing at my bedroom door with a sleepy smile as she tried to be of service to this little 3 year old and her imagination.
We went back into the girls' room - Lily was pointing out the window and down the foggy winter street, saying again with urgency - "Ethan at da door!  Hurry! Let's go!"  I didn't want to go downstairs with her and open the front door to the cold and dark world outside to prove to her that there was no one at the door, so we just put her back in her bed and and talked to her little wide eyed face and tried to decipher clues as to what she was thinking in that toddler head of hers.  Finally figured out she was saying "Ethan is at the store" and that he was sad and that we needed to go get him at the store - so we figured she'd had a dream that Ethan was left at the store and we needed to go get in the car and drive down the street to go get him and bring him home.  Mystery solved!  So I told her Ethan was home, picked her up out of her bed, over into the boys room and look!  There he is!  Ethan was peacefully sleeping, safe and sound (and drooling on his sheets).  We patted his head and said "Ethan is home!"  Lily's eyes and eyebrows showed that she was a little confused as to what had just happened, but decided to roll with it and was contently smiling, glad that the problem was solved.  Then she went and tucked herself back in her bed and quietly fell asleep again.  It was cute. Mel and I were laughing at each other, and I was so impressed with Melodie that she was calm and saw the cuteness and beauty of the situation even though it interrupted her slumber.  She kept quietly laughing and whispering "Lily is so cute..." Melodie is already on her way to becoming a great mother. 

And in other exciting little people news... guess who's side show made scripture study last for over an hour last night cause she just had to show off her new trick...

Yes, Sophia took several steps several times last night and everyone wanted a piece of the joy (ie: Lily in the photo below)
We were all squealing and clapping and cheering "yay!" with each little pitter pat, and fighting over who's turn it was to have her walk to their arms.  It was precious. 

Joe and Ethan had been talking smack about who is faster at running and better at sports or whatever, so Corey seized the opportunity to give a quick lesson "So are you guys jealous that Sophia can walk now too or are you happy for her that she is learning?  We're all happy right?  This is how Mom and I feel each time you guys achieve something!  What if someone came and pushed Sophi down and told her she'll never learn and she's not good enough?  That would be so sad right?  It hurts us and Heavenly Father if you tear each other down."

We're all on the same team, and we need to build each other up with open arms, smiles, and cheers, cause you are all still little Sophi's to us.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the idea for today's moral lesson plan! Lately, my boys have not been showing brotherly love towards each other and this approach will certainly help me to teach them!
