Friday, October 12, 2012

Can We Help You?

I've been feeling a bit beat up / over my head / in a funk / desperate for the ability to get a hold on life lately.  But instead of figuring it out, I kinda walk around with glazed over eyes and stare at the walls.  Or lock myself in the bathroom.  Or stare at the computer and listen to the Killers. 

Well, I took some dinner over to the lovely Sister Missionaries a few weeks ago, and this afternoon there was a knock at my door and they returned the dishes.  We exchanged some pleasantries in the doorway as the kids swirled around us (got 3 nieces over and some neighbor kids too, plus my ocho ninos) I wondered if I should invite them in, they probably have an appointment, so no, but then they asked "Is there anything we can do for you?"  I remember being the missionary asking that question, and so I knew they weren't just asking to be polite, they really mean it.  So I paused... "Do you guys have to go / have an appointment?"  Nope.  Sheepishly... "Um... (swallow pride) do you want to help me clean my kitchen?"  And guess what, they jumped at the chance!  Talk about Heaven sent help!
And they really did it!  They cleaned my kitchen, swept my floor, washed my dishes, wiped off the counter (I helped too of course) and then they thanked me for letting them serve.  "Not many people let us..."  Well, I'm here for ya, so watch what you say cause I take people up on their offers, I hope people will take me up on mine. Thank you Lord for sending these Angels to knock on my door and help me swim in my mess, and have a nice conversation at the same time!  An answer to my heart's prayer.  If you see Mormon missionaries, you should take them up on some service too - I know they'd love to help, just don't give them a heart attack from the surprise.  I love missionaries.  They are on the Lord's errand.  I shall be too. I'm off to serve my family by folding laundry ~ TTFN.

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