Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Junior High Kid

This morning Joe left for school looking like this:
It's Crazy Hair or Facial Hair Day at his school, so I willingly cut off from my head some hair for him to use as a mustache and long goatee beard.  He was pretty excited.  I just took him to school and I wished I'd had the camera to take a picture of him in the car as we drove - he gazed at himself with the dim light from the sun visor's mirror glowing on his face, singing along to Hot Fuss and obviously anticipating with excitement his peers' reactions when they see him today. He's a goof.  And he promised to give me credit for sacrificing my hair (point: Mom) while at the same time giving a disclaimer that I'm not responsible for him being so strange that he was willing and eager to walk around all day with my dead hair stuck on his face.
Also, a few weeks ago at the Cross Country team party, Joe was awarded a medal for being the fastest 7th grader.  Pretty impressive huh!  I'd like to now take credit for any future he has in running or track & field, I did it by hyping up the community Fun Run on the 4th of July.  Point - Mom!

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