Monday, October 1, 2012

Tomato Pickin'

I'll start this post with my best shot of picking tomato tonight - this photo's got the pickin' and the yellow blossoms and red tomatoes all in one shot, perfect.  Then I was off to snap someone else...
 May I introduce you to our house guest for October ~
Yes, we've got a special visitor ~ Angela!  Well, you've met her once before over a year ago, as Angela and her husband saved our skin when we were denied passage by the Chilean Airport Police.  Re-live that fun story here part 1 and part 2.  So, Angela has never been on a plane before and had never come to the US, Corey was due for a trip down south with his Skymiles but gifted them to Angela instead to make a once in a lifetime dream come true for her and we are excited to have her here - she flies home on Halloween, so we are gonna have fun playing tour guides during this whole month! 
We started the fun today by going by my parent's house to help them harvest their overload of cherry tomatoes.  It was fun and the tomatoes were sweet - we just kept poppin' them in our mouths from right off the vine.  I need a garden.  I want tomato plants.  It was a hit with the kids too -
There's Lily and Wesley poppin' tomatoes.  
 Lily's in love with them.  Mel working hard with my sweet dad in the background. 
 Act natural Mel, try to pretend I'm not taking your picture
Sophia loved these little red beauties.  While we were still picking, Wes held Sophi on his lap and cutely proclaimed "Sophi and I are Tomato Lovers!"
Well then they should be happy for the rest of the week, cause we got a bounty of tomatoes tonight.  Kids are going to eat their veggies this week!  Point Parents!  (Thanks Mom & Dad)

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