Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Morning - It's a Wonderful Life!

We had a great morning here yesterday.  After opening presents had finished and kids were busy working and assembling toys, I walked down the stairs and could see the mess on the living room floor in front of me, and said "This place looks like Christmas Morning!" to which Wesley's little voice rang out "It IS!!"  It was cute. 
Let it be known that this pic above does not do the mess justice.

On Christmas Eve we watched "It's a Wonderful Life" on Corey's computer.  The older kids and I enjoyed ourselves and I love near the ending (Joe and Eth were laughing too) after George realizes he's alive again and as he runs home to see if it's really real and he hoots and hollers all the way home: "YAY!" when he sees his wrecked car! "Merry Christmas Mr. Potter!!!" he cheers to him through his office window.  He greets the cops at his home "Probably here with a warrant for my arrest!  Isn't it wonderful? I'm going to Jail!  Merry Christmas!!!"  It's amazing what a little bit of perspective gave him.  Although things in Bedford Falls really were bad with George out of the picture.  It was so black and white anyone could tell which was the preferred reality.  When George realized how much he loved his wife and kids and life he wanted to live more than anything.  Even though George's problems were real and heavy and I could sympathize with him when he was feeling overwhelmed with burdens and money troubles.  I hope everyone who is down trodden, especially during the holidays, has an angel looking out for them ~ that angel might be you. May we all reach out and lift the hands that hang down.  Short video here by one of my good college friends.
Christmas begins with "Christ" and "mas" in Spanish means "more" so if we put that together ~ More of Christ ~ That is what I hope Christmas brings to each of us.

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