Saturday, December 22, 2012

Sick Day 4

Well, the kids are all better - they were being really loud this morning playing the "What" game - You can't say "what", if you do, you're it until someone else says "what."  They were all laughing so hard and they each took turns congratulating themselves on such a silly and clever game, as they'd say "This is so fun!"

So, the kids are better, but my throat is super bad and I've got a pretty bad headache.  Man, I've been like sick this whole month.  I have not gone to the store for groceries or anything this whole month, and I haven't done any Christmas shopping either.  Corey's been at the helm and manning the sails and working in the soup kitchen, he's been a one man show.  Thanks for being amazing sweetheart.

So, today I've kinda lost my voice, so it's good cause it's a long term goal of mine to not raise my voice to the kids.  Nice to have it forced upon me, cause I feel like I'm being a much calmer and nicer person.  Thank you sore throat!  And, aside from their noisy "what" game rucus this morning, it's helped the kids been more quiet too cause they have to listen to me very attentively to hear my sick whispers and requests.  I've been sipping warm lemon honey water or warm juice all day and laying around with rice bags on my head and throat.
The kids have been kind servants to me reheating the rice bags at my request.  Corey's mother made these for all of us.  She asked if I wanted some and I didn't know - never used them or really heard of them, but now I know that these are something I don't know how I lived without.  They are great, they've been a life saver, thank you so much J!

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