Tuesday, February 19, 2013

14 Years

Happy Anniversary to us!  Corey and I were able to go and celebrate by ourselves over the holiday weekend up at Park City and had a lovely time while the kids had a fun sleepover with Grandma W.  Corey and I didn't quite know what to do with ourselves, it was kinda funny.  But we did keep noticing how quite and un-messy we are when we're on our own.  Before returning to life Corey bought me chocolates and flowers, the kind you get at Home Goods - Godiva truffles and pretty red flowers that were framed and are now hanging on our bathroom wall where they look perfect, makes me smile each time I go in there.  :)
Corey proposed to me on that cement block.  They've since torn that one out and there's an oval one there now, but it's still the place where our life and family together officially began.

Since our anniversary is a day that is significant in our children's life, we decided to let them in on our celebration.  So to make the day special, the kids helped surprise Corey with a romantic dinner for two ~ ...no wait, a romantic dinner for (1, 2, 3,...) ten. 
The kids were excited to help, we made name tags, the kids all helped make a part of the meal, and we all got dressed up in our fancy clothes.  I printed up a little Anniversary menu showing all our guests that the evening would be starting with steak and salad and some raspberry honey butter (like we had at our wedding luncheon, ours wasn't as good, but hey, we gave it a shot) and the evening ended with Triple chocolate cheesecake (yum) and lots of dishes to wash. 
Even Sophi dressed up.  And I liked seeing her bottle of juice next to Corey's goblet.  She's doing great at the table!
 We had candles and pictures from our reception set around the room, it was cute. 
Happy Eternal Family day kids!  And I love this man.  So lucky he's mine.