Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Miracle for Mitchell

Mitchell's story was mentioned by the local news in a Deseret News article and KSL TV spot.  He might schedule a surgery on Monday through the help of Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy which will insert a Left Ventricular Assist Device into Mitchell’s heart on Monday. It’s not a cure, but it will give him more time.  Praying for his body to stay strong.
And I totally love his little dog, such a miracle that that cute little pup is so loyal and faithful and knows how to give Mitchell the love he needs.  Aren't most puppies just crazy and playful, but this little Marlie just wants to be close by Mitchell and snuggle with him, I love it.

Update: the Jones' shared via facebook that Mitchell was adamant he did not want to go to the hospital again did not want the surgery.  It would have been very risky and he would have been the youngest kid to ever have this surgery done, would have been a difficult life afterward and only given him maybe a few more years.  Anyway, prayers still with them.  They said they have peace knowing that they did look at all the options and do everything they could for their boy.  What a heart wrenching experience for them, I can't only imagine.

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