Monday, February 11, 2013

Mitchell's Journey

Corey works with Chris, and Chris' little boy Mitchell was diagnosed with a rare type of Muscular Dystrophy when he was 3 years old.  Mitchell's the same age as Ethan, 10 years old. Chris has been cherishing every moment with his son and has a gift for beautifully documenting his son's Mitchell's journey in these videos below. The disease has progressed very quickly over the past few months and it seems he will pass away very soon.  There are a few more videos about Mitchell besides these (see the top bar of Chris' vimeo page), but here are just a few I wanted to share, grab some kleenex cause they will make you cry. 
He was diagnosed when he was 3 years old - - a quote from this video that I loved: “Normal fear protects us; abnormal fear paralyses us. Normal fear motivates us to improve our individual and collective welfare; abnormal fear constantly poisons and distorts our inner lives. Our problem is not to be rid of fear but, rather to harness and master it.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

In November he was given 6 months to 2 years to live - there is no exit
His muscles are failing, his heart is failing, it's not pumping enough blood -

He got a puppy from his grandparents to lift his spirits-

A thank you to family and friends -

And increased pain this week - When I heard the recording of his voice say "I just wish I could feel good" I could just see him as an angel with Christ flying free, even while his parent's hearts suffer.
They brought Mitchell home from the hospital last Friday to let him enjoy his last moments on earth at home with his family and puppy and without being tied to tubes and monitors.  You can follow their updates on their facebook page - Mitchell's Journey. Chris also has found beautiful quotes and has his own gift with words in his ability to share the deep emotions that must be flooding his and his wife's hearts, I'm sure I'd probably be a jumbed emotional mess. 
(Just saw this picture below and teared up again ~ gosh, every post on their facebook page makes me cry)
I will enjoy my children today, love them, enjoy the now with them, cause that is all we have.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to take your word for it, I don't have it in me today to cry...
