Monday, February 25, 2013

Snow Snow

The kids spent the better part of the weekend out in the most recent snowfall that was dumped on us, making a huge fort and some sledding hills in our wo-be-upon-me north facing house and it's steep front yard. The snow we've piled over the past 4 months is taller than all the kids except Joe. 
Ethan has built a really long snow tunnel down under this pile and his tunnel almost completely extends the length of the driveway.
You have to climb over the handrail to get in to the tunnel's fort-like entrance.

Today the kids wanted to take Sophi out into their world of snow.  Corey helped Fifi adjust her gear.
She looked so cute toddling around the house in her little snow pants, it made us totally giggle just to see her.
The circumference of her legs was the same as the length of her little pink boots, so cute.  Ethan had fun showing her his cave.

I went to check on her about every ten minutes for the first half hour, but she didn't want to come in, so I let them do their thing. 
After an hour I finally heard her crying and as I went out to the rescue, her gloves were off and she was pointing at her cold pink fingers.  I quickly undressed her and warmed her up with the hair dryer diffuser, and then she fell asleep.  (She had started to roll her tired eyes back as we finally got her coat on before going out since she had skipped her nap today... I was surprised she lasted an hour.)

It was cute and fun for them.  As for me, I know all this snow is good for the watershed, but man, I'm ready for winter to be o-ver.  Please, be gone!  No more snow, we've got enough now, this is good.  As they shoveled on Saturday, Corey said this was probably the year that we should have bought a snow blower.  Yup.  I've been wanting one for a while and I'm thinking we should really go get one now and not put it on the back burner anymore, cause then (hopefully!) either it really will finally stop snowing and then we can just feel happily prepared for next winter, or winter will keep being mean to us and our north facing house and we can be glad we have it.

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