Monday, February 4, 2013

Valentine Flower Wreath

Well, we did it again, we did what we planned and said we'd do.  Over the weekend Mel helped me make this wreath for the door.  Made with cardboard, ribbon, fake flowers, and hot glue. Here's the back-

That's what the front looked like too before we glued the flowers on.  Glued ribbon around the edge to cover it up, then plastered it with flowers.  We also cut up more ribbon and glued them in places that needed a little more covering to hide the cardboard.  If I had to do it again, I'd probably spray paint it red before doing any gluing.
 Some of the flowers we just glued on sideways, other we poked a hole in the cardboard to stick them in straight.  It was fun!
We've almost got all the holiday's covered, but might still do an Easter Wreath.  We've got a "spring" one with yellow flowers, but might make one that is Easter and not just spring.  We'll see. :) Valentine's Day Wreath Valentine day door decoration valentine's day heart wreath

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