Monday, March 25, 2013

A Baker

This week is spring break and I love having the kids home.  We've kinda taken it easy today ~ the kids have been playing "Store" and "Go For It" while I spent the day updating my budget binder (that one is my own system and I really like it, I'll share that soon).

Mel and I are taking advantage of this week to practice some baking skills.  I sat here at the computer budgeting today and told her to make banana bread muffins and just do her best.  I checked on her a few times and helped get the muffin tins ready and pour the batter into cups, and as I did I thought it looked kinda runny, but I didn't say anything and figured we'll see how it turns out.  And... they looked like craters. 

As I asked about what she did for each step and each of the ingredients, then it was revealed that she only put in 1/3 cup flour instead of the 1 2/3 cups flour the recipe called for.  I guess it might be hard to read from how it's typed on the recipe page? 
Anyway, I said "Well, that would explain it." and I'll let her try again tomorrow (but with honey wheat muffins next time.)  I love having this free time for them to practice, experience, and learn for themselves. 

And my home management system is going great!!  I even got my desk in order on Saturday, things are coming together, this is my year to do!

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