Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ethan's Life Sized Valentine's Box

Just looking through February's pictures and realized I didn't document this...

Ethan had big plans for his Valentine's Box this year, since it's his last time before heading to Jr. High as a 6th grader next year.  So, he told me his vision of what he wanted his box to be.  He really wanted to win the best valentine's box prize.  His idea sounded like a lot of work doing stuff I didn't know how to do.  Hence, I passed the buck onto Corey.  Ethan told Corey his plan.  Corey made some suggestions.  Corey took pictures of Ethan and then did whatever math to blow them up and fit them together into life like proportions on his computer. 

The day before Valentine's Day arrived and I was trying (and failing) to not be a Grinch as I helped the kids make their cards.  Then Ethan wanted help with his amazing Valentine Box.  Luckily, Corey was Ethan's Valentine advocate and he sent their picture to the copy store and got it printed.  Just black and white, cost $8 bucks.  ...Cause they need 24 hours for color.  (...and cause color would have cost over $100, not happening Eth).  Ethan was disappointed but made do.  We all convinced him it was still really cool and he had a good shot at winning.
Little Sophia was freaked out at the picture though and wouldn't go near it, which all the kids smiled at.

These pics are after valentine's day, so the mouth kinda looks like the Joker now, after kids shoving their cards into Ethan's paper mouth.

Corey helped take him and his huge box to school the next day.  And went to school to pick him and his box up.  Ethan hadn't won, but he did get 2nd place.  And he got enough "Wow" and "That's cool" comments from his classmates to make him feel like a success.  Good job Ethan, and especially good job Corey.  Many times he is the parent part of me knows I should be.  Glad he's on my team and doing most of the hard work of making memories for these kids.  Then I get the easy job of documenting them, so I still get some credit too.  :)

1 comment:

  1. how in the world did he not win? that is so awesome!
