Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Discovery Park

In between the Saturday afternoon sessions of General Conference a week ago, we met up at the "wood park" (aka Discovery Park in Pleasant Grove) with our dear friends that we met in Costa Rica, the Meyers.  
That week was Joseph's spring break, so he had gone down on Thursday night and was able to hang out with Michael for two days, so this was also when we picked him up.  All the big kids had fun playing with their long lost jungle friends.  Not sure if they all talked about Costa Rica much, but they did all enjoy seeing each other and playing.
They spun and spun each other on the tire swing until they were sick (they'd just eaten a bunch of cookies).
After I gave them a few spins, the "I feel like I'm gonna throw up" bench was almost full.
We adults just had to keep tabs on the babies and toddlers.  Usually I don't want to push kids on the swing, cause it means that I have to stand out in the sun.  But since this was a cool and overcast day, I didn't mind. I actually really enjoyed it!  Seeing the big smile of true happiness on Lily's face as I pushed her just warmed my heart.

Sophia liked the swing too.  We were able to chat with the Meyers as we all pushed the babies.
Corey spun them around on this thing too - it was funny seeing Sophi's smile and also seeing her start to lean more and more to the left with each turn.  Hold on tight, kiddo
We left home for the park at 11:00 and were able to listen to the 2nd hour of conference in the car, which is one of the best ways for us adults to actually hear the conference live.  We had arranged a lunch with each other, rolls and salad, cookies, carrots and apples.  We had a nice visit and after 2 hours we all headed back to the cars - listening again to the next session of conference as we drove.  Wonderful talks were shared. I love General Conference. I'm learning more and more that it's all about family.

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