Monday, April 15, 2013

Little House Legos

I started reading "The Little House" books to Abi last month.  I never read them as a child and have been enjoying them.  Abi liked the Big Woods but isn't so interested in the Prarie, but I torture her and make her listen, she's relatively patient about it for a 5 year old.  Hyrum usually can't help but over-hear the story, and after finishing Percy Jackson he asked if it would be okay for him to read the Little House books.  It took Abi and I a while to read the book, cause we just read a chapter a day, but Hyrum read the first book in 2 days and has been reading the series.  He's on "By The Shores Of Silver Lake" right now.  Of course, no reading adventure is complete without making Legos to go with it, so here is his Little House on the Prarie Lego set
Caroline holding baby Carrie, and Charles taking care of their horses Pet and Patty
Inside their little house on the prarie - just realized I didn't get a good picture of the fireplace, but it was well done, Hyrum did a good job.
Mary and Laura ~ You can tell by their faces that Mary is good but Laura is a mischievous little girl.
The well built log home  cabin and is able to withstand toddler play.
(Those prarie wolves are as big as the horses, yikes!)

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