Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Melodie of the Future

I was just cleaning off some bookshelves in the front room and found a folded piece of paper tucked between some scrapbooks.  Figured it was garbage, so I picked it up, and opened it up before I intended to throw it away.  Then I read this time capsule letter from Melodie to her future self.
Dear Myself in the future.  Hi.  I'm in sixth grade, Sophi is the youngest in our family, 1 1/2.  I'm doing a book report right now....I CAN'T WAIT TILL THE BABY'S BORN!  I bet she is really cute~  I can't wait to hold a little girl, so peaceful and sweet.  Circle the name (if it's here) Kristina, Kimberly, Valerie, Alissa.  Enjoy her and love her.  Right now Julia is probably in Young Womens.  Have a GOOD SUMMER!  You are lucky!  So smart, you're probably AMAZING on the flute.  Well that's all.  You're awesome future self!

I liked seeing the all caps about the baby, she really is excited, probably the second most excited next to me, she's such a good little mother.  I've seen her write notes like this to herself before and I think that they capture her true personality better than the impression she usually gives people.  Melodie is pretty shy/quiet/reserved at school, but is quite the character at home. Glad that I found this note to document for her future self, just in case someone else does find it and toss in the trash.  I'll go tuck it back on the shelf now.  :)

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