Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Thanksgiving Point

We have a membership to Thanksgiving Point that I haven't taken advantage of since October when we took Angela to see the gardens.  It expires next month, and with the new baby soon to be here, I don't see myself using it much during the last trimester or during the first year, so I don't think we'll renew it yet.  Luckily we've got it now and so we'll be going either this weekend or next to the Tulip Festival.  Love the gardens.  The kids like the play areas and the farm, so I'm trying to take advantage of it this last month.  It's a great deal though, with our brood I only have to go two times to make the year long membership a bargain for us, sweet!  I took Hyrum and the girls there for a field trip, they had a good time.

Lily was afraid of all the dinosaur bones and was reluctant to go anywhere or do anything, so we spent most of the time in the sand pit digging for fossils and a little while at the water table / land erosion area.
Didn't get pictures of the water table place cause I was holding Sophia up to it the whole time.  Fun stuff.

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