Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Legoland Take 2

 Day 2 at Legoland - The older 3 left with Grandma and Grandpa and were at the park when it opened.  Coreyand I and the rest of the kids were a half hour behind them.  When we got to the park, I went to Duplo Village with Lily and Sophia while Corey took the middle 3 on some rides.
It was a good arrangement.  Lily and Sophi had a fun time just playing with legos as they hid in the shade of giant lego houses.
We all got met up in Duplo village around lunch time, where the kids weren't the only thing that was hungry.  Poor Wes got eaten up by a lego Lion.
I didn't take any pictures of the older kids, but heard they got totally drenched several times over at Pirate Reef.  We ended our day with a visit to Sea Life, the Aquarium at Legoland.  Sophia loved the slide at Duplo Village, and after getting toasty in the sun over there, I was very happy to find the first room had a slide surrounded by a fish tank.  Pretty cool.
Abi was really cute helping Sophia up the stairs and down the slide.  I love it when my kids mother each other.

The kids liked seeing the sharks and fish and sting rays.

They had little Lego Atlantis movie there.  Sophia and I fell asleep.  We left the park an hour before closing. When the older kids got home with Grandma and Grandpa, the kids were all excited to see she had bought them a gift - a minifigure from series 10.  Joe is a pro at deciphering which minifigure is in each unopened package.  He's like a Lego minifigure detective.
The kids gathered around Grandma opening their gifts - a big thank you to Grandma and Grandpa for making Legoland so fun for us.
We had dinner together in Grandma's room everynight during the week.  Good times, good company, and wonderful memories.

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