Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Play Day

Monday last week we just had a laze around the hotel day. Abi found a pet pill bug that she was excited to keep forever and ever.
After getting them all swim-suited up, I couldn't find the sunblock we had bought back in Utah and didn't remember packing it in the car.  Doh, add that to the shopping list.  Luckily Corey's mom had some, so we left that with Corey and headed out to run errands while they went to the pool.  I gave Mel my camera to document.  She didn't get any pictures of the pool time, but got a few of their evening at the game room after.  
Corey, the Foos Master, teaching the kiddos the ways of the Foos.

Later that night after the sun went down, I ventured out to the pool with the little girls.  Corey and the kids were all gone still and he'd left his phone, so I was hoping they'd eventually get hungry for dinner and return.  After about a half hour at the pool Corey came out from the rec center.  Apparently they'd hit the jackpot, cause this resort doesn't charge you a dollar to play with their foosball or pool table!  Joseph was in pool heaven ~ this Welk Resort is now officially his favorite place to vacation ever - FREE POOL!!  It just seemed too good to be true.
He was so sad when the week was over and we had to leave, knowing that the next time he played pool, he'd have to fork over his quarters.  So sad.  After playing pool they sang some karaoke ~
The kids and Corey all had a fun no obligations day and loved playing and spending time with each other.

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