Friday, May 10, 2013

San Diego Temple

The highlite from our trip last week for Corey and I was being able to go to the temple with Joseph and Melodie.  (Joseph and Melodie had lots of highlites, but the temple was up there with them.)  We all did baptisms for the dead together. Corey performed the ordinances while the kids and I were proxy.  We were the only ones there doing baptism at that time, which was a new experience for both Joe and Mel who've usually gone to the temple with the youth from our wards here in Utah, and the temples are usually busy, so this was special cause it was just us, nice and slow and extra peaceful.  The man who serves as temple recorder came and spoke to us for a little devotional and mentioned that that day, May 1st, was a speical day for the San Diego temple, because it was 20 years ago that the first ordinances were performed there.  He said there was some 20th anniversary cake in the Cafeteria and invited us to go have some after we were done.  So that was fun too cause the kids got to see more of the temple and we all went and enjoyed a nice lunch together.  Good times.  We'll make the temple a part of our next vacation.

Special thanks to Corey's parents who made it possible for both Corey and I to go.

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