Thursday, June 13, 2013

Melodie In Wonderland

Last week Melodie had her first ballet performance.  Last October she was able to join a dance class at the Utah Artists School of Ballet in the level 3 class even though she's never taken ballet or dance before - I think her natural felxibility helped.  She didn't join in time last fall to be ready for their Christmas performance, so this summer show was her debut.  She was one of the "Very Good Advice" dancers - 
I think she had fun.  She threw me off though ~ I wasn't sitting close enough to really tell which one was her, so I assumed the girl with the dark rimmed glasses was her.  Then halfway through her number, the girl I'd been watching didn't look like Mel, and I looked at the other dancers and Mel had taken off her glasses, so I was watching the wrong girl.  So, I missed the first part of her dance but then figured it out and was able to see her moves after.  She did great.  She said she doesn't plan on ever becoming a professional dancer, she's rather be an illustrator, but she still likes it the classes and thought the performance was fun.
Mel's behind the white rabbit in the picture below.
Abi giving her a hug after the performance.  Abi seemed in awe at seeing Melodie all decked out, like she was meeting a Disney princess or something.
I was a soccer girl growing up, and we signed Mel up for soccer along with the boys a few years ago before Costa Rica and tried a few seasons of that, but I could tell it was not her thing - did not click, and that's ok, there was no pressure from me for her to be a soccer star.  I'm glad that she's enjoying ballet, it's definitely more her style.  Great job Mel, you're a natural.
(And Ethan, here's your picture of your beloved Mary)

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