Friday, June 28, 2013


The kids set up a zoo in the backyard for the game Wesley made up called "Zookeeper".  I thought it was pretty cute.  Of course he had to wear the giraffe hat.  Here Wesley is feeding his snake a white Webkinz mouse...
The baby giraffe eating leaves... (she was born a preemie, that's why she's so little)
Hyrum taking care of the geckos...
Hyrum showing Abi the proper way to feed the monkeys in the trees, do you see both the monkeys?
and the tiger on his rock and the lions warming up in the sun...

Shouldn't be too hard to warm up since it's 100 plus everyday this weekend, yikes!
And here are all the zoo employees.  Acutally, Lily might just be a guest.  Cute game kids, I'm impressed once again, your creativity amazes me.

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