Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Girl's Camp

Melodie had a great time at her Young Women's Camp last week.  It was a Stake Camp, and they went up to the Hinckley Scout Ranch.  The picture below is my absolute favorite - Mel is in the middle there.  Just look at that beautiful night sky, amazing...
I love camping cause you get to get away from the city lights and really see all the stars.  I could stare at the Milky Way all night, it just makes you get lost in thought.  (sigh, it's been a while since I've been up to see them...)  Anyway, here are some other pictures of things she did:
The little theme was "Stand in Holy Places and Be Not Moved" and they emphasized the "Moooo" in the Moved, so they did everything with a cow motif.  Funny.  Cow shirts and hats - here she is hanging up her hat so the spots can dry
She went rock rapelling ~
 Did a little bit of archery and canoe-ing

And one more picture that her leaders sent, this one was of their water rafting trip to Moab the week before.
She's had a fun summer.  Joseph too.  Only problem now is that I can't keep up with that kind of entertainment, so these two poor souls are probably the most bored of all my children right now.  Trying to think of something to help them out, but they'll be on their own soon enough when the baby comes, guess they might have to figure it out themselves.  

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