Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I'm in a grumpy mood. It's time to go to bed, and I don't want to put the kids to bed, maybe I'll just let them do whatever and we'll see where they collapse in the morning. This pictures about sums up my mood.
I was doing okay today until I gave the boys haircuts. Ethan was done, I had just finished Wesley, and Wes was in the shower while I was doing Hyrum. Wesley didn't put the shower curtain in the tub, so as I was cutting Hyrum's hair all of a sudden we're standing in water that's coming from under the door. Soaked up 4 towels. Hyrum was patient and stood there with his hair half done while I mopped up the mess, then back to his trim. Then Ethan and Abi started fighting in the other room, Abi's informing me that Lily took a popsicle without permission - I don't respond cause I've got hair all over my hands and I gotta finish, Ethan decides to take over the parents role (which we're always telling him not to do) - he scolds Abi for taking the otter pop from Lily (she is making Lily share) I am slightly bothered that they are eating it in my room which we're always telling them not to do - no food out of the kitchen, but who cares about mom and dad's rules,  Abi's telling him to go away and throws something at him apparently, I hear Ethan thundering across the room like he's gonna body slam her and I hear Abi give a loud and piercing shrill. Hyrum waits again while I go and handle their fight in a way that would not earn me any mother of the year points. Ugh, I'm just done.
Natalie is done too. Melodie is the baby whisperer
Too bad my helpers have to spend most of their time like this - doing homework, blah.
Somebody give me a pacifier and let me go to bed, I'll try again tomorrow to be a functioning adult.

(Mel, your shirt has a hole it in.)

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