Saturday, October 12, 2013

Meet the Cast

Guess where we went last night? Well, I'll tell you... we went to see a certain cast of a certain show at the BYU bookstore... here's a clue:
Any guesses? My lil' sis Beka saw it on facebook and notified me, then I thought about if I should try it (similar to the hike the Y logistically speaking) and I didn't tell the kids til we were in the car headed to Provo. "We're going to meet the people from Studio C!" They would be there from 6-7 to sign autographs and help promote the dvd that just came out of season 1 & 2. We were in line at 5:40. I bought a bag of Dots to keep the toddlers in place, worked pretty well.
Natalie was strapped into the wrap and she slept the whole time, such a good baby. Here's Sophi looking into her empty hands for another dot? or possibly contemplating how sticky they are...
When the actors started showing up, I held our place in line while the kids went up to get a peek. At 6:20 it was our turn to say hi. Mel's favorite it Matt Meese
And in the car, when I told Wes and Hyrum what we were doing, they traded their drawing of mazes to drawing pictures to give to their favorite sketch comedy actor, Mr. Jason Gray:
But the kids admitted it's hard to pick a favorite from this crew, they are all so funny and clever. Stacy, Adam, and Steven weren't there. Neither were two of my kids Joseph and Ethan. They were on scout campouts, which is another reason why I didn't announce my evening plans. They would have been so sad to be left out. BUT, I did think ahead - the Studio C cast is doing another signing in Orem on the 24th, so we're going to go to that one too. Well, except Mel won't be able to make it to that one, which is why we had to do this yesterday, for her. Got to make sure everyone gets a chance to go. We love BYUtv and Studio C! Looking forward to another new episode on Monday!

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