Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween Report

Halloween 2013 is over. Here's the breakdown:
The Good News: 
 - Kids playing quietly in their rooms all morning, not asking "what's for breakfast" cause they are eating their own unbalance breakfast of junk food. Still, a nice quiet morning.
 - Fun childhood memories - enjoying the spoils of war trick or treating
 - Witches brew with the neighbors after the treating was done

 - Hyrum does a great impersonation of the Lobster Bisque guy. 
It's cute, but he was in the role all night, so it got a little old after the first half hour, but still it's very impressive. You may be a future Studio C cast member, Hyrum.
 - Sophi put clothes on yesterday, although reluctantly. 
And she didn't wear either of the costumes I bought her. Oh well, we'll save them for Natalie. Sophi did sit very still and willingly as I put pink eyeshadow on her and brushed her cheeks with blush, no resistance there. We decided her costume was a doll.
 - Joseph was "I'm Batman" with the goofy voice at 1:47
 - Wesley saw his brother while we were trick or treating, he was pretty excited.

The Bad (from a parents' point of view, the kids see no problem with this):
- Overdosing on candy, too much sugar in their bodies, but I try to rationalize that it's just once a year. The kids have been doing business trading candy all morning.

The Ugly (and I won't show any pictures of this one):

- The state of uncleanliness in the house right now. Last night we just let the kids do their thing while we hid in our bedroom and waited out the storm. This morning there are shoes and socks and coats and costumes thrown on the floor everywhere and anywhere, nerds and sweetarts spilled in the front room along with a ton of candy wrappers, pixie sticks powder on the kitchen floor along with licked on and hardened to the floor pieces of candy that Lily and Sophi rejected (tootsie rolls and I think bit-o-honeys, a few fruit snacks) and basically, it's just a big big mess. We are having some high school friends come over tonight and the children have been threatened with parental confiscation of all treats if the house isn't clean. I gotta run errands to get ready, so we'll see if the kids are able to fix the house while I'm gone. I'm glad they don't have school today, I know I can depend on these older children, and the kids that know how to clean out number the kids that don't know how to clean, so hopefully we'll get this ship ready to sail by 5. Here we go to work!

1 comment:

  1. I would love to have no school the day following Halloween. Not here- we had picture day the next morning! Ugh! My kids were out way too late and OD on candy.
