Saturday, December 28, 2013

Killer Musical Chairs

The kids made up a game this evening. It's Musical Chairs, but taken up a notch in intensity. Kinda like how Killer Uno is just intense Uno. Each kid had their turn being "it" and sitting out at the stereo. Whoever was in that role had just as much fun as those being in the game cause they were able to choose the music. Instead of just having the kids go round and round the chairs, they could require them to do a silly dance. Mel and Joe did a Gangam Style dance.
Here Ethan is it at the stereo, music stops... and oh, Mel won!
They also changed things up a bit by, after a few laps around the chairs, shouting out orders for all the contestants to go run to some obscure location in the house and touch some random object or go give a kiss to a cute chubby baby, (that means you Natalie!)
(Natalie with the red-eye reducer light above, without below)
It was cute to hear them laughing and playing. :) Loving Christmas break, even though this first week just went way too fast. Hope next week slows down a bit!

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