Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Pretty Snowflake

Melodie had her Nutcracker performance over the weekend.
She was in two of the dances as snowflake and then as a candy cane.  The snowflake costumes were pretty. The candy canes not so much. Last time they performed she had changed costumes before I could get a picture, so this time I was sure to get a picture of her as a pretty ballerina in the snowflake costume. Then I told her to be silly and she did for a second but then got normal before I could snap the picture. Come on Mel, just be yourself!
There we go, that's more like it. She took off her glasses during the performance again, which I didn't know, so I was watching the girl with glasses (that I think could be her twin) the whole time. Then I'd zoom in and realize it wasn't her. But this one is, she's the candycane on the left.
Melodie really enjoyed performing. She's such an awesome kid. Her birthday is on Thursday, gotta think of something good for her.

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