Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Day

The kids all had a big sleepover in the middle of the great room - aka party central.
Corey made some crepes for breakfast, everyone feasted till their ski legs were content and then they headed out to the slopes. I hung out with my little girls while Corey was out with the big kids, but did have a wish to go sledding with Sophia. We all got suited up and walked out the door to go sledding down the one way street. It was great.
I got my wish. 3 runs and that was it! Hit the spot for me and Sophia was ready to go back inside too.
Abi stayed out a little longer with the other kids.
After Joseph came in for lunch, I told him to give me his skis (since we're the same size you know! Actually, I'm sure he'll make me correct that: He is taller than me and his shoes are bigger than me too, but close enough that I wanted them to go out for a run or two. 
I made it out! Woo-hoo! First time this winter, good job me. Tess (Wesley's bff), Corey and I took two runs together down Milly's Express. 
The older kids followed us - Mel and I ski about the same way... Left to right above we've got: Julia, Brox, Mel, Ethan. Melodie went straight up and into that little rocky ridge. Pretty good crash.
Brox and Ethan let us all continue down main street, they were heading over to Majestic.
Talmage and Joseph done for the day and climbing back into the warmth of the cabin. Such a fun way to start off the new year. Good times. :)

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