Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sleeping In

Been a busy day, but a typical one. I do enjoy my little girls sleeping in each morning. Gives me like two very quiet hours to myself. After the morning rush, which goes from 6:30 to 8:30, the rest of the morning looks like this from 8:30 - 10:30/11:00 ~
 Little girls sleeping on our floor and in our bed, which is where they migrate to during the night...
Good morning sleepy head! 
We'll try to get your older siblings to get to bed earlier so you little kids can too. (wishful thinking) (as it's 10:30 pm and the jazz band boys just got back from a rehearsal and are starting their homework and radio is on and there is noise and fun. And crying... gotta go feed Natalie. Goodnight to me and her!

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