Wednesday, February 19, 2014

15 Years

15 years sounds like it should be a lot, but from this side of it looking back, seems more like months than years.
I hardly planned anything about my wedding, other than the groom. That part of it was many years in the making and none of the other stuff mattered to me except it being in the Salt Lake Temple. But I do wish I would have cared a little more about getting a good photographer. But that was in the days before "Bridal Expos" (I think?). Well, maybe it wasn't... but if they did have them I wasn't aware about it yet.
Luckily we did have a wedding video made and that was great. Maybe I can take some new pictures off of the tv screen from that? I'm glad we have that. The guy from Final Touch was in my parent's neighborhood. There's Darren Schmitt working his filming magic...
We're gonna let the kids watch our dvd with us tonight as part of our "Too-bad-for-us-our-anniversary-falls-on-a-school/scouts/jazz band practice/youth church activity night" celebration. :) Part of the video soundtrack was "You're the Inspiration" cause we're a love story from the 80s, and cause nobody writes a love song like Chicago! Good times. Looking forward to another 15 years with the best husband in the whole wide world! (I promise I'm not trying to be the girl version of Newlywed in the facebook Friends video (at 1:45) :) ha, "gonna shove it down your throats!!"
"My Husband is SO cute!!!"

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