Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Serenading Natalie

The kids watched "Little Rascals" during one of our recent date nights. They thought it was pretty funny. Well, first they thought it was really weird, not really getting why the boys had a hate girls club. But then the next time they watched it they thought it was kinda funny. I think they were rooting for Alfalfa's freedom to love the woman of his dreams. I've caught Wesley more than once singing "You are so beautiful" to Natalie, doing his best imitation of Alfalfa woo-ing Darla ~
Pretty cute. 
And Ethan and I were ad libbing different lyrics to a Bruno Mars song for Natalie - she was being weird and cute and making really funny slobbery sounds, and we started to sing "Her lips her lips I could kiss them all day if she'd let me, her voice her voice when she shrieks I think that it's so pretty, she's so beautiful...." and right on cue she'd make a really weird face and funny sound and we'd all bust out laughing.
And we just kept on singing "When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change cause you're amazing, just the way you are!" So now we can't hear that song without thinking of Natalie and laughing with joy at how much we are in love with her. :)

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