Friday, March 28, 2014

Learning to Ride a Bike

When we were playing soccer the other night, after we made the rule "no sticks", Abi kinda lost interest and started begging me to go teach her to ride a bike. I said we would tomorrow. Tomorrow came, and it was raining. So I tried to push it back another day, but Abi wouldn't have it. Ok then, out in the rain we go.
I was happy that there was a way for her to practice that didn't involve me getting wet. I demonstrated one time the practicing procedure: balance on the bike and coast on it down the little driveway and onto the grass. Practice that until you can do it without having to touch your feet onto the ground. Once you got that down, we'll talk about how to pedal. Got it? Ready?
Pretty good Abi! 
Good job. Now do it again.
I got to stay dry in the garage and Abi got to practice riding her bike.
Actually it is Wesley's bike. He didn't want to share, but did. Thanks Wes. I appreciate your sacrifice.
As a reward I gave him some of the seaweed I snacked on as we watched Abi get wet riding in the rain.
Aren't I such a nice mother!
(It's nice to have something to snack on that the kids don't want a bite of!)

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