Monday, March 17, 2014

Lucky Party!

Oh yeah, I'm 3 for 3, high five self. March party - planned and delivered. Another imperfect effort, quite a few cracks, but it was a good offering for my children's childhood memories. Check out the fruit platter. The gold coins aren't in a black pot, but close enough.
Here's a mint chocolate cake with my non-professional frosting clovers - "Lucky" was the theme, just to keep things in line with the Irish holiday. In the reality of my world, luck is actually mercy and blessings ~ Happy March, Happy St. Patrick's Day
Our party this month was extra blessed because we had some of our favorite people in the worlds join us - let's hear it for Grandma and Grandpa! (Sophi's sneaking a marshmallow in the background there...)
Natalie ate three of the little servings of pistachio pudding... and then started searching Grandpa's pockets for more.
Another picture of my fruit platter ~ makes me feel happy! ~
...except I can tell someone's been fingering the clouds... Sophi?
We had corned beef and little shamrock ravioli that Costco had for sale (so cute) along with zucchini squash, broccoli, and cucumbers with lime water.  Happy March, Happy St. Patrick's Day
Looks like everyone had enough of the healthy food and they are ready to hit the dessert buffet.
Desserts included mint cookies, brownies, cupcakes and cake; pistachio nuts and pudding; and lime jello, cookies, & pie. And of course a bowl of jelly beans to fit the color scheme.
Next month's dinner party will be white as we celebrate Easter and the Resurrection. :) Hope your day is fun and Lucky! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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