Thursday, March 6, 2014

"The Hold"

It happens every child. It's usually around age 4. ...Sometimes earlier, sometimes later, but sooner or later, every child needs to be broken. This past week, Lily got her turn. 
She woke up after going to bed and then started screaming bloody murder and ranting and raving for no apparent reason, gnashing her teeth and everything like a damned soul, and Corey thought it was about time we get the demons out of her for good. So he held her and gave her kisses and loving words while she screamed at him. "I DON'T WANT YOU!!! I DON'T WANT YOU TO HOLD ME!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" We call it "the hold". He just holds them until they calm down and relax. I think Corey invented this child therapy on his own, and we both give it credit for our children sitting still and being well behaved at church.
He just holds them until they calm down and realize that 1) they have no reason to be freaking out 2) he is not hurting them at all and 3) they will remain in the hold until they stop freaking out. Here's Abi during one of her "hold" sessions. I don't recall Wesley ever needing the hold, he's just been a sweetie through and through. Hyrum needed it, he was super feisty as a four year old. Ethan, Melodie... yes, and yes, although those were both in the days before I blogged, so no links to share with you there. But perhaps someday I'll share how Melodie handled the hold ~ those are epic parenting tales that still live on in our family folklore. Joseph got it too, but he got it when he was one I think, we took care of him early. One session of the hold usually takes from 15 to 30 minutes. It works like a charm. :) Thank you Corey for holding each of these kids, I give you all the credit for their good behavior in public, you go!

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