Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April Family Party

Since we already had a party this month (aka trip to Disneyland), I was tempted to skip out on my commitment to do a dinner every month. But then I thought to myself "Hibbert, are you committed or not!?!?!" So it was kinda adhoc and last minute, but I did it. We didn't do it on Easter Sunday as I'd originally planned, cause I was in vacation recovery, but we did it this past Sunday. And it was the day before my happy birthday, so I invited my parents. Natalie with my Dad ~
I called them that morning and played the "I know this is short notice, but it's my birthday tomorrow, so you have to come" card. It turned pretty good for a quickly thrown together "party". :)
They said they are always up for dinner with great company :)
Tried to do an Easter/Savior/Resurrection/Spring and Rebirth kinda theme, with white and eggs and spring colors.
Tilapia and veggies for the dinner. Melodie made the cupcakes and the kids decorated them, that was all we did for dessert baking. Most of the goodies were store bought (like I said, half hearted attempt, I've just barely been hanging on these past few days)
Then we watched family videos. Can't remember what this video was about, but everyone was laughing, it was cute.
Good family activity. We watched videos from 2010 of another trip to California, and videos of Hyrum and Ethan fighting and explaining their case to their future selves (a very effective way to get fighting kids to see the situation for what it really is...)
And Natalie loves her Grandpa ~ She looked so cute in her little Easter dress.
While she was in the high chair, she showed us how high she could reach her arms above her head, just like a real ballerina! And in her little pink ruffles, well you could tell that she knew she was adorable, we are just loving this little girl.
 Reach, reach... you almost got it! There you go, hold on to that finger!!!
She is crawling around and pulling up to walls, mirrors, and the tub. So fun. The kids watched the videos and we grown up visited, and the kids jumped on Dad and Grandpa. We told Mom and Dad all about our Stake Conference that morning, which was amazing. I shall type up my notes from that and link to it soon, Loved it, Elder Bob Gay spoke to us, so inspiring. Do it the Lord's Way. So it was a good ending to the month of April and remember the Lord and that first Easter morning! And life continues on... :)

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