Friday, April 11, 2014

Guinea Pig "Recipes"

Tomorrow we're leaving town for spring break. But before we depart, Melodie's gotta make sure someone's gonna take care of her babies. Aka "the pigs". Aria came over to get the low-down on how to properly care for guinea pigs.
But she's already an expert. In fact, "Chef Aria" and "Chef Mel" authored their own cook book last summer! Did you know that they are published authors?
So, here's a funny little story: Last summer, Melodie and Aria were busy writing and gathering recipes for their book. They had some of their own secret dishes, like "Guinea Delight" and "Fruity Salad"
(Complete with illustrations!!)

And these attentive girls wanted to find even more delicious recipes for their pigs. And where do you go when you want to search for something? That's right, you go to the internet. Well, these little tender hearted and guinea pig loving girls had a rude awakening to the realities of life, cause do you know what you find when you google "Guinea Pig recipes"?? Well, it's not "Watermelon Surprise". (Ok, I'll wait here while you go google it...)
Isn't that sad? Poor guinea pigs. The graphic images pierced Mel and Aria's innocence, not to mentions the articles: "From Pets to Plates" and "How to Eat a Guinea Pig"!?!? Oh, this fallen world!! Mel and Aria make the guinea pigs think they are royalty and are living the high life. They attentively strive to cater to their little pet tastebuds, but the reality is, guinea pigs, that you are below humans on the food chain. Don't worry though, we don't eat you. Mel's here to make sure of that.

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