Monday, April 21, 2014

Newport Recap

We had a very nice spring break in California with the Wride side of the family. Here's a kinda short recap, with the long recaps to follow in the coming week.

Saturday - Joseph, Ethan, and Abi rode down with Gma/Gpa, leave around noon. We leave around 3:45. With three of the kids farmed out, we only had to take one car for the rest of us, so Corey and I got to drive together! We got to Las Vegas around 10:30 as we sang to Brandon Flowers. It's a little Vegas tradition. Then we went to bed.

Sunday - Church at 9:00, then off to California. Mel, Hyrum, and Wesley's turn to drive with Grandma. We saw Marie at church but didn't stop her for an autograph or anything, cause it was church ya know, they need someplace that is safe. I feel for celebrities. I think it would be hard. We explained to the kids who the Osmonds were in the car. Ethan's brain was grasping for some memory of who they were and convinced himself that Donny was Bill Cosby, he kept saying "I know, DONNY! The comedian!!" We finally got him to agree that he was confusing them - Cosby, Osmond - both have "OS" in them... simple misunderstanding.

We stopped by to see one of my mission companions in Yucaipa, the former Hermana Coleman. So fun to see her and Ryan. Cute kids, I took lots of pictures of her house and decor to help me get inspired.
Monday - Laguna Beach. Hot day, cool water, and NO SUNBURNS!!! We layered up and made it out safe. Well, Abi missed one spot on her back we found out later, but overall it was a great success in sunburn prevention. Natalie took a nap.
Joseph and Corey threw the frisbee back and forth. Hy/Wes/Mel built sandcastles and buried each other in the sand.
Did you see the Lunar Eclipse on Monday night/Tuesday morning? I set my alarm but had my time wrong and I missed it. I was bummed, but I'll catch the next one in October for sure.
Tuesday - Disneyland. Corey and I had a fun time following our little girls around. The older kids took off with their cell phones in pocket and hit all the fast rides. But was a really busy day. First time that I've gone to Disneyland and haven't gone on Space Mountain. Tragic. The parade was my highlight.
And taking Sophia to see the princess was a big highlight too. So fun, she treated them with such reverence, it was a special moment.
Wednesday - Chilling at the hotel, swimming at the Ultimo pool, and Grandma came prepared with for an Easter Egg Hunt. Gorgeous day.
Thursday - The older kids got the ok to go to California Adventure with the Gma/Gpa and cousins, Aunts, and Uncles. Corey stayed to do work in preparation for his big Brazil kick off next month, and I brought along a Cinderella Lego Castle to bribe the little girls with. Abi, Lily, Sophia and Natalie and I played legos all day. It was fun.
And we went for a walk too. Natalie went for a crawl.
Friday - headed out, back to Las Vegas for the night, headed home Saturday, got home around 7:00. Very grateful for a safe trip. I shall document more family history later. As for now, I gotta go do laundry. Back on my head! :)

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