Friday, May 16, 2014

20 Years Ago...

... I was a soon to be graduating high school senior. I've been spending a lot of time on the computer the past two weeks, cause I'm helping with our reunion and we're trying to track down classmates. It's 12 weeks away. All the computer time is irritating my kids. I'll be here doing searches or updating/posting things on facebook, email, and the '94 blog, and Abi will come ask if she can play games on Starfall. I say "Not right now" and then she asked me in an exasperated tone "WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING ANYWAY?!?!" Oh, just playing games! No, I'm searching the internet. It would have been really hard and time consuming to do this in pre-internet days. So it's in 12 weeks... that's like a perfect exercise program length! So yay, I have something specific to work toward to help me stay focused and get the rest of this baby weight off. It's been slow going this time around. Anyway, kinda crazy that it's been 20 years. Here I am as a senior.
Blah, I do not like that picture, but you only get one chance for retakes and that was it. I usually never liked my pictures and I always got retakes. I think this particular school year I looked particularly chubby because, (on top of not knowing really anything about eating healthy in the first place, I'd also spent the summer with broken leg.
I even got retakes of my senior picture after I graduated. The second retakes were done after I'd spent a week in CA for the FIFA World Cup in Pasadena. Hence the sunbleached hair.
Yup, that's me. I'm glad the bangs are gone. I'm wearing soccer earrings in the one that made the yearbook, because bringing soccer awareness to the masses was my mission. I was all about soccer. I remember wearing soccer shirts and soccer shorts and soccer shoes to school, that was my wardrobe. I remember writing papers in college about how women need a national soccer league. It was something to identify myself with I guess. It's pretty much the thing mentioned most often in my journal from 20 years ago... who we were playing against and in what tournaments, what the scores of our games were, yada yada. Not very exciting to read about it now and leaves me feeling a bit regretful, I wish I'd written a little more about my siblings, my parents, church, school and friends. Well, I do mention a certain man named Corey quite a bit, I'm glad I recorded that since things worked out between us. :)

So, anyway, yeah, having some flashbacks to high school cause I'm trying to find people and I have to keep my yearbook nearby so I can see if I can recognize who is who with 20 year on them. Back here in the present, things are going well in my dungeon in the basement. Once I get it up and going I'll share how my master plan is going to work. As for now, I'm still purging piles of junk. The thrift store drop off is right by where Ethan has his music practice on Mondays, so that's nice and convenient. I'll drop off more things next week.
Corey's leaving for Brazil on Tuesday. I went into his work today and saw his practice run through of his presentation. Looks pretty awesome. I'm excited for him and for what the next 20 years will bring. :)

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