Thursday, June 12, 2014

Art Lesson by Lily

Lily is good at drawing pictures. So good that people (her dad) come to her to asking for her expertise. She is happy to share her talents and gifts. Her father was her first student. "First dwaw a circle" and then Corey makes a very bad circle. He's just testing her ability to give honest feedback. Next, dots for the eyes, draw a mouth, nose, etc. With each instruction she gave, Corey pushed the limits of artistic expression and interpretation...
The kids were laughing at Corey's drawing. Lily didn't want to make him feel bad and would look at his work... and wasn't sure how to express her disappointment at his inability to draw the way she thought she was telling him...
"You can do it that way if you want to..."
She seemed to be trying very hard to only give positive feedback. She told him to give his girl fingernails, and that is where she drew the line...
"Ok, you are seriously giving me nightmares...." That's a direct quote from Lily when Corey gave his girl fingernails.
Yeah, about giving me nightmares too. Notice the big ears? And her dress that "flows like a slug" -Corey's expression. "Your girl is so freaky." Lily was done trying to help this man and took matters into her own little hands ~ oh, just let me do it! She had to hurry and fix those fingernails so she could sleep through the night.
Then Abi tried to give him a lesson, she wasn't as patient with her father's shenanigans and that lesson didn't last as long. That's okay, it was time for bed anyway.
(Corey makes me laugh.)

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