Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Beauty and the Beast Ballet

We survived school and end of school year performances and assemblies and everything else (almost... Joseph has one more day today, but everyone else is out). Last night was Melodie's second and last ballet performance. They do such a great job - the Utah Artists School of Ballet. 
Melodie was in two dances, one the Mazurka (Polish folk dance), the other the can-can girls.
The Mazurka costume was so pretty, I had to hide it from Sophia and Lily, they'd cry if they could see it and I wouldn't give it to them. Now that the show is done, I'm sure they will be excited that Melodie can share it with them.

It's hard to get a picture of moving dancers, especially from far away in the auditorium. Melodie is in the center of the picture above. And the girl on the left of that photo is her identical twin. Doesn't help when we're trying to watch "Melodie". ("Which one is Melodie?") In the Marzuka dance, Melodie was NOT wearing glasses, which made it funny when her Grandpa was showing her all the pictures he took - "Not sure which one was you, so I just took pictures of the girls in glasses...." and she says "I wasn't wearing glasses..." Oh great. "Well, I got a lot of pictures of one of your friends then!"
So then we told her he had to wear glasses and no more pulling fast ones on us like that.
Melodie is not taking ballet any more after this. The summer would have been fine to take, but the school year is just too busy for her now, and she wants more time to practice the flute. We're gonna figure out something that she and I can do together so she can keep up her flexibility, maybe some yoga. :) I'm hoping to gain a little flexibility with her as my coach!

1 comment:

  1. If you want to do a yoga class together, let me know . . . Julia and I might join you. :)
