Monday, June 16, 2014

Birthday BBQs

Yesterday was Corey's happy birthday. On Saturday, his Media Mouth partner in crime organized a little party for him - and since Andre and his family are from Brazil, this was a real legit Brazilian BBQ!
20 pounds of meat, fruit kabobs, chips, lemonade, and a big ol' chocolate cake. After stuffing ourselves we had an epic soccer game in true World Cup style - USA (Wrides) vs. Brazil (Silva). I think they beat us. I loved hearing Wes and Tess say over and over again to each other "This is so much fun!" Andre had some serious footwork going on. My favorite move was when he held the ball between his feet and jumped around with it and held on to it for like two minutes while every little kids on the field came and tried to no avail to get it away from him - and he just kept jumping around with the ball - It was really funny. 

The birthday balloons were the decorations in highest demand. Toddler after toddler came in to request a sacred balloon, only to return moments later for another one since the previous balloon was now floating off into eternity.  
Sophi had a few close calls - she let go of her balloon a few times under the patio, so we were able to retrieve those with a chair and a tall male volunteer. Sophi let go of another one while she was standing under a pine tree - it got stopped under the branches and miraculously didn't pop. We all laughed and pondered how to rescue this toddler from her unfortunate predicament. She looked up and pointed saying over and over again "My boon! My BOON!!!!" But it was too far out on the branch for any kids to climb up and reach by climbing the tree, and too high up for the men on a chair - so we taped tape onto the end of a push broom handle and that was enough to miraculously retrieve it. Lucky girl. But it was so cute to hear her throughout the night say "My Boon!!!" Yes, our pretty little Sophi loves balloons.
Abi waited rather impatiently for the soccer game to get over with so she could do her show for everyone. She was dressed as Ariel if you can't tell. She would have lip synced the whole cd but (thankfully) Corey limited her to one song. She chose the one with Ursula singing, so the mermaid costume didn't fit, but Abi didn't seem to notice that small detail. She just likes that song cause of the "Body Language" part. "And don't underestimate the importance of BODY LANGUAGE, HA!" Oh yes, they think that part is sooo funny. I probably would have too if I was a six year old.
So everyone dutifully sat through the song, and we were a gracious crowd, but it felt pretty long and I was glad when it was over. It was a fun and memorable evening. Then yesterday we did it all over again for Father's Day/Corey's birthday BBQ #2 ~  First things first, I gotta get rid of that chocolate cake before I eat it all - So we were quoting Bill Cosby as we enjoyed Chocolate cake for breakfast.
...And Sophi's still got her balloon! After church, Corey's family came over and we enjoyed more steak, watermelon and fruit kabobs, potato salad, lemonade, and ice cream sundae bar. The kids practiced a little bit of their Ninja Warrior elements in their spare time:
Good job Wes! Another 10 years of practice and he'll be ready to take on Mount Midoriama.
Happy Birthday Corey and Happy Father's Day. Ethan left this morning for Scout camp, he'll be gone the whole week. We stayed up till 1 a.m. talking and helping him pack a little bit. It's fun to talk, and fun when we're all in the mood with something to share and just keep talking and talking. Corey is a great dad.

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